Thursday, March 17, 2011

do you?

     In light of all the recent natural disasters, I have had many people ask me "Do you think the world is going to end next year?" I find it amazing, that there are so many movies, books and etc based on the notion that 2012 will be the end of the world, but not just that, the fact that the reason we will know it is the end of the world, is marked with such aforementioned calamities ( which are clearly discussed in the Bible).  I am always amazed at how the world rejects God, but bases so many things on the Bible and on Godly things; only to twist and turn them and take God out of them.

     That also made me think that most people, whether saved believing christians or not, do believe that the world will end one day. When I stop to think about it, two things come to mind. #1. is a sense of urgency, an acknowledgment that there isn't much time. The hour is coming, the harvest if full, but the workers are few! #2. is a sense of relief and comfort. To know that we will be reunited w/ our Lord and Savior. To know that we will be called home to live in eternal glory with our Father God, doesn't scare me, it inspires and excites me!

     Today, I want to remind us to pray for those around us who's lives we can touch. To reach out to those lost, hurting souls that need a savior! You don't have all the time in the world, and today could be the day that God can use you to lead them to salvation, to help them have a relationship with Jesus Christ! Also, pray for Japan and the devastating loss they have suffered, pray for healing and strength for their nation. Pray for Libya and the Muslim community and the un rest in the Middle East, I could go on and on! There are so many lost, hurting people, and we usually don't even think of them, don't ever pray for them.

     I pray that God will open our hearts, open our minds, and help us to look outside of ourselves. To look to others, to see those God has placed in our lives and on our hearts, and to reach out to them, to love them, and to pray for them.

     May you all be blessed today, May you have the courage and strength from the Lord to reach out to His beloved people, to be Jesus with skin on, to share His love and His light.

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