Wednesday, June 8, 2011


The best way to cheer yourself up is to try to cheer somebody else up.  ~Mark Twain

Good Morning All!

Today, I felt like writing :) I felt like someone needed to know that God loves you, And I'm not talking about a love that you are probably thinking about. This is a true love, a deep love, a love that you can't earn; a love you don't deserve, but it's yours and mine, it's everyone's! Many of us don't live our daily lives in light of this love. Most of us slough off the depth and the richness that is ours. We'd rather sit in our safe little sandboxes and have a dab of God's love filter through the trees and shine on us here and there...Oh if only we'd step outside our little safe sandboxes and run into the holy, wild field of God! If only we would let His love and light fall fully upon us, if only we could release ourselves from the looks of those still in their sandboxes and dance with our Father God!

The people that we look up to and admire as great people of the faith, they left their boxes, and forged a path straight to the heart of God. They didn't look back, they didn't look around to see others scoffing and mocking them, but rather, they had their eyes fixes solely upon their Father God.

Hebrews 12:1-2
. . .Let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith . . .

Dear Friends, this time is precious. We are called to be a holy nation, set apart. The harvest is ripe, but the workers are few! Are you living your life with intentional purpose today? Are you following after the things of God? Or the things of your own heart. Nothing you could want, achieve, earn or think you deserve is as great as the purpose and the life that Christ has called you to. If you can't hear him, go find him. It's not Christ that moved, but rather you.

You will seek me and find me, when you seek me with all your heart. - Jeremiah 29:13

May we live each day with purpose. May we stop playing games with our faith and our God. Our time is now! No more waiting, no more whining, no more excuses. You are a beloved child of God! He's waiting for you to return to him, he's ready to throw you a party. He's got work for you to do, work that only you can do. You're needed, you're called.

When I look outside myself, look outside my sandbox, I see His other children...hurting, crying, needing a friend. I want to be His love and His comfort to them. May we all seek to love others and to serve others. This isn't just another Wednesday, this is your day, your time. The things you do and say today can have an impact for the good or the bad, maybe even the indifferent, on those you encounter today. What if today is your last chance to touch a friend, to help save a life, to show someone Christ? Will you squander that chance? Knowingly or unknowingly, these times are there. Will you look around today, ask God to show you where you can be a blessing? Will you live your life with purpose today? Or will you just keep rocking along in your own little sandbox thinking of all your problems and all the reasons you can't?

More than likely, we can all name a person that stepped outside of their box, a person that took the time to look beyond themselves and extend the love of Christ to us. Don't keep that to yourself and deny someone else the gift you once received. Be that person to someone in need. May God soften our hearts, may He renew our passion for him and his people, May our lives be more than our desires! I'm looking unto you today Lord. Please change my thoughts, change my heart. Show me the way that you have for me. Make me more like you, give me a servants heart, give me an attitude of praise and gratitude. Help me see all those around me and show me where I can be of service for you. Take away my selfish desires and fix my eyes upon you Father God, only unto you.

I love you all, if your reading this...thank you! If you need prayer or anything else...let me know :) Be blessed today and be a blessing to someone else!

P.S. If you're reading this, you have probably at some point, shown Christ's love to me, and I thank you for that gift, that blessing! xoxoxoxox

1 comment:

  1. Good stuff. This appears to be a theme in words I'm hearing lately. God's love, and our underserving-ness of it (is that a word?)
